
The Women Making Waves in Tech

Women across the UK are driving lasting change in the digital, data, and technology sectors, despite the notorious gender gap. This blog celebrates the achievements of these remarkable women, especially within the nonprofit sector. 

We highlight the challenges they face, the contributions they make, and the bright future they're helping to shape for gender diversity and innovation in technology and beyond. 

Gender Inequality in Tech

The UK tech sector has long been a male-dominated arena, mirroring global trends. There has been slow progress over recent years with more women entering the industry, however, much more needs to be done.

According to The Women In Tech Survey 2023, "women still only account for around 26% of people working in IT. Whilst this is an improvement from the figure of 19% in 2019, much more work needs to be done to get to a place of gender balance."

These figures also reflect broader trends in STEM fields, highlighting the need to encourage more women into the industry at entry level and then on into leadership roles, where the disparity is even greater. 

Women Leading Change in the Tech Industry

Despite these challenges, numerous women in the UK are making their mark, especially within nonprofit organisations dedicated to fostering gender diversity in tech. These leaders come from various backgrounds, holding positions as CEOs, founders, executives, and more, each contributing uniquely to the industry's transformation.

One notable figure is Anne-Marie Imafidon, the co-founder of Stemettes, a nonprofit social enterprise promoting young women's participation in STEM careers. Under her leadership, Stemettes has inspired and supported thousands of girls across the UK, showcasing the exciting opportunities the tech world offers.

Similarly, Debbie Forster, CEO of the Tech Talent Charter, is working tirelessly to ensure companies commit to more inclusive hiring practices. The Charter's growing signatory base reflects a collective acknowledgement of the need for change across the industry, and initiatives spearheaded by entrepreneurial women like these are inspiring more females into the industry. 

Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

Despite the progress made, women in tech continue to face significant challenges. Gender bias, stereotypes, and the lack of representation at the leadership level persist, creating barriers to entry and advancement in the field. 

However, these challenges also present opportunities for growth and improvement. By increasing awareness, offering support, and advocating for change, the tech industry can become a more welcoming place for everyone.

Collaboration between companies, nonprofits, and the government is essential to overcome these hurdles. Mentorship programs, gender-neutral hiring practices, and policies that support work-life balance are just a few examples of how the tech industry can move towards greater inclusivity and diversity.

The future is in our hands

The journey towards gender diversity in the UK tech industry is ongoing, and your support is crucial. Whether you're a professional in the tech industry, an advocate for diversity and inclusion, or someone passionate about gender equality, there are numerous ways to get involved. 

Supporting non-profit organisations, participating in mentorship programs, or simply advocating for inclusive policies in your workplace can help towards a more inclusive and diverse tech landscape in the UK.

For more information and support about a career in data, digital or technology, contact Global Resourcing

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